ARTISTI, ALIASES, of Gramophoniq Records
Bebo Best,
The Super Lounge Orchestra,
Bebo Baldan,
Koko Chanel,
Top 10 Inc.,
the Funk Soul Brothers ,
The Italian Jazz Art,
Tantra Tribe,
Peep Floyd;
Zen Cafè,
Hammond Guru,
Elettra Ferrari,
The Alchemist,
Bebo Baldan Ensemble
Bollywood Sitar Beat Orchestra
Bebo Best https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/artist/4rFKWPGHB2mLGWa9EQBS48?si=4YSwL6MVQIuKRzcDZ-qI9g
the Super Lounge Orchestra
the Super Lounge Orchestra- 47,000 listeners
Super Lounge Orchestra ha solo SITAR AND BOSSA: https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/artist/7gi98nPNngn5M9PwFFBaUh?si=a9uF2EqkS9-QS_wEBn498A
Bebo Best and the Super Lounge Orchestra
Bebo Baldan https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/artist/6AYYNvqB4vBKEIOpJhZ40D?si=VWXPrSnoTLGxHinuZvgg8Q
Bebo Best Baldan https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/artist/1Rpp3paC73zrFVL4HIW3Uh?si=CAvDIzdqS3uhghINj05Cag
Koko Chanel
(1) https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/artist/2UFWQoXiYNpLPznPVu31zm?si=OgVa2lHPRzinoq00QfY74A
Top 10 Inc.- https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/artist/5QHHiI5mZLLlIx9NOEvzbK?si=onwTUTnFReK6cCJ0gukJvw
the Funk Soul Brothers
the Italian Jazz Art
Tantra Tribe + Jaya
Peep Floyd;
Zen Cafè
Hammond Guru https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/artist/2DpTqfSx7Ylghrz6NO1kaI?si=JwwFduXsSF6vuEtjaCe_Jw
Elettra Ferrari
Spaghetti Pizza
amici, collaboratori
M' bass' ado'
aLLAN pARSON https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/artist/512r0GjdDzkevyAq0lXTcd?si=fTESoIyeRT6CHUmhbViDrA
Brain Eno
anche qui
(Bbc Contemporary Orchestra)
OUR ARTISTS last issue

an Enthusiastic Review: Smoke On The Water
🎶 Title: Smoke On The Water 🎤 Artist: Bebo Best, Koko Chanel, Top 10 Inc., BOLLYWOOD SITAR BEAT ORCHESTRA, tantra tribe 🎧 Remix: Funky Juice 📅 Release Date: October 23, 2024 💿 Label: Funky Juice 📖 Catalogue: fu.ju. 678-097 💲 Price: $1.69
Description: "Smoke On The Water" is a sensational sonic revolution that masterfully blends funk with oriental sounds, creating an irresistible mix. Bebo Best and Koko Chanel bring their best vibes, while Top 10 Inc. and BOLLYWOOD SITAR BEAT ORCHESTRA add an exotic touch that makes it all magical. Funky Juice's remix is simply sublime, elevating the track to an even higher level of energy and groove. Martin Grooves dj
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
(Peter Wanders - Manager of Craig Charles and The Fantasy Funk Band - LONDON – U.K.)
“Bebo one of the Best Jazz and Lounge Producers to come out of Italy this Century !!
“(Maxim Illion / Club des Belugas - GERMANY)“
Bebo Best & The SUPER LOUNGE ORCHESTRA is one of the 5 best Nujazz/Lounge artists in Europe, maybe in the world! “
(Davide BozzatoDirector, Choreographer and Director of Miss World, Italy)
“...modern jazz, lounge, grooves and elegant music, it just sounds perfect for my fashion shows “
Hi, Hola, how are you? I am Bebo Best and I am here to give you a hand selflessly.
Hello dear friends, how to get 100 million streams? If I can do it, you can too. I did it, as you can see from what is happening behind me. So why not get advice from someone who has made it, instead of many amateurs who, in the end, give advice and have 1,000 or 10,000 listens? Do it with someone who has achieved something. Hats off to all those who strive to give us information, but do it with someone serious who has had results.
Today we talk a bit about distributors because in recent months I have been looking for some alternatives, but the alternatives are not so promising. I have tried many, especially for smaller projects, because I am obviously already distributed and partnered with major distributors. We will also see which ones later, but I have done some research and taken some notes that I would like to share with you. Mainly because I have seen that there are many unserious people who work and take your money for nothing.
So let’s start with the distributors. I emphasize that I do not take sponsors, nothing. In fact, you will see that I speak badly and also well of more than one. Beware of those who speak well of only one because it means they have been paid.
Okay, let’s start with ********* DistroKid. DistroKid has an easy approach and a good app, but it has a fundamental problem for which I tell you to avoid it. They easily remove your albums, anything under a thousand listens. They are making a policy because DistroKid is associated with Spotify. Spotify is aiming to destroy the small market because it is sponsored by the majors. Therefore, even if Spotify is easy to approach and quite economical, in reality, it does not distribute on many other portals, and it is a scam. For covers, they want a lot of money, and the distribution is quite ridiculous. But above all, they remove your content. It happened to me too. I certainly don’t need to buy listens because I have about 200,000-300,000 monthly listeners, and they accused me of buying fraudulent listens. I wrote in all languages, they removed the album. I don’t care much, but I understand that for someone who is just starting, this is important. So avoid DistroKid.
I then became a partner of Symphonic, ***********which is a good distributor with many good things, and they also allow covers but still require a mechanical license, which means you have to pay money. The second terrible thing is that in 3 months, I couldn’t get even one release approved. I even tested by putting the same release on multiple distributors to see who accepted it without problems. A release accepted by five other distributors was always rejected by Symphonic. So if in 3 months I can’t publish even one, I can’t waste all this time. So avoid Symphonic too, unfortunately. It’s a pity because the price was good.
Then there’s AWAL********, a good distributor, very selective. To be in, you must have already done something and be a bit known. I am obviously in, and I passed the first step easily. It has some bad reviews, but I have an album out with them, and they have always paid regularly. They also published albums and a single where I had purposely put some risky names to test. Overall, it worked, and they don’t have cover problems now, if I remember correctly.
To summarize, avoid DistroKid************
AWAL takes 15%, but no other costs so far. Among those I have seen, it is one to mark with a plus sign. If you remember, mark this video with a plus sign somewhere. Like, subscribe, I don’t know, I’m not a YouTuber, but if you do, I’ll make more.
********Collab House is the most promising. Collab House says it gives 100% of the royalties but has a series of problems. They accept covers, but you never understand if a track is accepted or not. I had a thousand difficulties. One track was accepted immediately, but three others have been pending for months. They say to correct, I correct, and they find another error. I have been doing this job for 40 years, published about 500 records. These are not errors; it means the app is poorly made. Their bots work poorly. A person writes to you kindly if you insist, but you waste a lot of time. I couldn’t publish anything except one piece. They have automatic royalty division.
For now, this is one to mark with a plus sign. I don’t remember well about covers, but I think a license is needed here too. Another one with good reviews is Sepulcral Silence. It seems super, has a selection process, asks for documents, but seems very good. I am verifying it now and will let you know.
********Horus Music was very good, but 10 months ago, they reduced royalties by 70%. They are declining, so not a good company. Music Gateway wants €15 for a cover, and I found nothing interesting. I would avoid it too.
********Lender also does catalog transfers, for example, for those who want it, but it costs. A cover costs €12, so it’s not great. Sound Campag, if you happen to come across this distributor, is an absolute disaster. Just avoid it; it’s a mess. They fake listens and steal your money. Sound Campaign is a total scam.
********Amuse was good, but then they also started issuing fines for fraudulent listens on Spotify. Besides withdrawing everything, there’s no way to get it back, and they also give you a $10 fine, which makes no sense. It’s easy to do the math: if they’ve removed a million things so far and fined $10 for each, that’s $20 million they’ve taken just like that.
Off Step is from One RPM. One RPM requires a cover license, but the worst part is that you should stay away from One RPM at all costs because they’ve scammed a lot of people. Anything related to One RPM should be avoided because they’ve burned their reputation and are trying again. I wouldn’t trust them at all.
********Root note is not bad. It also allows you to publish some things, like covers, but they are excluded in the USA, Canada, Mexico, India, and Pakistan, or some distributors are excluded. So, you can publish covers for free only in a limited way. Otherwise, it’s a good site, well-made, etc.
Digital presents itself fantastically but doesn’t have a single review. I found one, so it seems like they make miraculous claims but don’t have any reviews. If there’s one, it might be from their cousin, who knows.
Going back to ********TuneCore, I noticed another point: you need a mechanical license. Exactly, and it’s always a hassle. Then there’s DistroSync, which also requires a license for covers and doesn’t have great reviews. SoundDrop has ultra-negative reviews. They charge $0.99 to publish a track, including covers, which would be a great price, but the reviews are super negative.
So, the ones I mentioned are worth following and saving. You should have noted them down. Overall, I’m okay with TuneCore. I’ll tell you about ********Sepulchral Silence later.
For now, I’d avoid the others. I didn’t mention many because they’re either too expensive, like ********CD Baby, which makes no sense, or they have terrible reviews, so I skipped them directly.
Some charge for the release, or you have to pay annually for renewal. This shouldn’t be the case. You should pay once and know how much you’re paying, and it shouldn’t be too much because these guys need to profit from your work.
I’m telling you this as someone who is a partner of many distribution services. So, if I’m looking for something alternative for smaller projects or for the kids I know, it has to be something that works and doesn’t cost much.
For now, if anyone has interesting suggestions, write them down. If someone points out that I made a mistake in my analysis, let me know. I’m happy to be corrected if there’s something positive. So, share your real experiences. Don’t fill the sites with nonsense because it doesn’t help anyone.
Write if there are positive things, write if there are negative things, even about me. This is all I can give you for now. If you want, subscribe. If not, don’t. If I get enough listeners, I’ll make more. If not, I won’t. Life is beautiful anyway, right? Peace and love, hasta luego, hasta la próxima
Bebo Best: Il Maestro della Musica Globale Bebo Best ha saputo conquistare il cuore di milioni di ascoltatori in tutto il mondo. Oggi, ci svelerà i segreti dietro il suo incredibile traguardo di oltre 100 milioni di streaming. Un viaggio musicale che unisce talento, passione e innovazione, portando la sua arte a livelli straordinari. Inoltre, tutti i suoi video sono disponibili gratuitamente, offrendo a tutti l’opportunità di immergersi nel suo universo musicale senza alcun costo. Non perdete l’occasione di scoprire come Bebo Best ha trasformato la sua visione in una realtà musicale senza confini. Bebo Best, autore e produttore musicale di fama mondiale. Con una carriera costellata di successi, èn oto per il suo stile unico che fonde jazz, lounge e ritmi latini. È il leader del gruppo Bebo Best & The Super Lounge Orchestra, con cui ha raggiunto un notevole successo internazionale. Alcuni dei suoi brani più popolari includono “Sing Sing Sing” e "Mambajazz"12. La sua musica è caratterizzata da arrangiamenti sofisticati e melodie accattivanti, che hanno conquistato un vasto pubblico globale. Bebo Best ha superato i 100 milioni di streaming, un traguardo che testimonia la sua capacità di creare musica che risuona profondamente con gli ascoltatori di tutto il mondo. Ecco alcuni suggerimenti per iniziare ad esplorare la musica di Bebo Best: 1. Album “JazzMamba” - Questo album è un ottimo punto di partenza per apprezzare il suo stile unico che fonde jazz e ritmi latini. Brani come “Mambajazz” sono particolarmente rappresentativi1. 2. Album “Swingin’ Bossa” - Se ami la bossa nova, questo album ti piacerà sicuramente. Contiene tracce come “Jazz Samba Promenade” e "One Note Samba (Koko Chanel Remix)"2. 3. Brano “Sing Sing Sing” - Uno dei suoi brani più popolari, perfetto per avere un assaggio del suo talento musicale3. 4. Album “The Indian Summer” - Questo album mostra la sua capacità di mescolare vari generi musicali, creando un’esperienza di ascolto unica4. 5. Video “Walkin’ On Sunshine” - Un video non ufficiale ma molto apprezzato che ti darà un’idea del suo stile visivo e musicale4. La sua musica è pubblicata da etichette rinomate come CHIN-CHIN RECORDS, IRMA RECORDA, CINEDELIC, RAMBLING JAPAN BEBO BALDAN VS BEBO BEST Bebo Baldan, L'ALTER EGO di Bebo Best, è un artista poliedrico che ha lasciato un segno significativo nel panorama musicale internazionale. Oltre al suo lavoro con il jazz e la lounge music, Baldan è rinomato per le sue produzioni ambient, world music e sperimentali. Uno dei suoi lavori più celebri in questo ambito è l’album “Vapor Frames 86/91”, pubblicato originariamente nel 1991 e ristampato nel 2018. Questo album è un viaggio sonoro che mescola suoni di diverse culture, come quelli mediterranei, indiani e sudamericani, con sintetizzatori, campioni e loop1. Il risultato è una musica senza confini che trasporta l’ascoltatore in un’atmosfera rilassante e riflessiva. Bebo Baldan ha collaborato con numerosi artisti di fama mondiale, tra cui David Torn, Gilberto Gil, Brenda Boykin, James Taylor (JTQ) e pubblicato al fianco di artisti quali Jon Hassell, Michael Nyman, Wim Mertens, Nitin Sawhney, Sinéad O’Connor, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Frank Zappa, Marisa Monte, Bebel Gilberto e Nicola Conte. Ha partecipato a oltre 400 album e ha lavorato su molte colonne sonore per film e TV, dimostrando una straordinaria versatilità e capacità di adattarsi a vari generi musicali. Tra i suoi altri progetti noti ci sono “Earthbeat” e “The Italian Jazz Art”, che mostrano la sua abilità nel fondere elettronica, jazz e musica etnica2. La sua musica è pubblicata da etichette rinomate come Soave, Divergo, Sony, Materiali Sonori e Caligola Records2. alcune risorse affidabili e popolari dove puoi trovare informazioni dettagliate su di lui: 1. Discogs - Profilo dettagliato con discografia e collaborazioni: Bebo Baldan su Discogs1 Bebo Best su Discogs2 2. AllMusic - Biografia, discografia e recensioni: Bebo Baldan su AllMusic 3 3. Last.fm - Informazioni sulla biografia, discografia e statistiche di ascolto: Bebo Baldan su Last.fm 4. Rate Your Music - Recensioni degli utenti e dettagli sui suoi album: Bebo Baldan su Rate Your Music 5. NPO Radio 2 - Biografia e descrizione della carriera musicale: Bebo Best - Biografie su NPO Radio 2 6. Sito ufficiale di Bebo Best - Informazioni dettagliate sulla sua carriera, progetti e musica: bebobestmusic.com 7. MusicBrainz - Un database musicale che offre dettagli sulla discografia e le collaborazioni: Bebo Baldan su MusicBrainz 8. Spotify - Profilo ufficiale con la sua musica e le playlist: Bebo Best su Spotify 9. YouTube - Canale ufficiale con video musicali e performance: Bebo Best su YouTube 10. Bandcamp - Piattaforma dove puoi ascoltare e acquistare la sua musica: Bebo Baldan su Bandcamp 11. SoundCloud - Profilo con tracce e remix: Bebo Best su SoundCloud 12. Rambling Records (Giappone) - Etichetta giapponese con cui ha collaborato: Rambling Records Copilot Generazione di risposte per te in corso… Inviato da Copilot: Here is the translation: Bebo Best: The Master of Global Music Bebo Best has managed to capture the hearts of millions of listeners worldwide. Today, he reveals the secrets behind his incredible milestone of over 100 million streams. A musical journey that combines talent, passion, and innovation, bringing his art to extraordinary levels. Additionally, all his videos are available for free, offering everyone the opportunity to immerse themselves in his musical universe at no cost. Don’t miss the chance to discover how Bebo Best has transformed his vision into a boundless musical reality. Bebo Best, a world-renowned author and music producer, has a career filled with successes. He is known for his unique style that blends jazz, lounge, and Latin rhythms. He is the leader of the group Bebo Best & The Super Lounge Orchestra, with which he has achieved significant international success. Some of his most popular tracks include “Sing Sing Sing” and “Mambajazz.” His music is characterized by sophisticated arrangements and catchy melodies, which have won over a vast global audience. Bebo Best has surpassed 100 million streams, a milestone that attests to his ability to create music that deeply resonates with listeners worldwide. Here are some suggestions to start exploring Bebo Best’s music: Album “JazzMamba” - This album is a great starting point to appreciate his unique style that blends jazz and Latin rhythms. Tracks like “Mambajazz” are particularly representative. Album “Swingin’ Bossa” - If you love bossa nova, you will surely enjoy this album. It contains tracks like “Jazz Samba Promenade” and “One Note Samba (Koko Chanel Remix).” Track “Sing Sing Sing” - One of his most popular tracks, perfect for getting a taste of his musical talent. Album “The Indian Summer” - This album showcases his ability to mix various musical genres, creating a unique listening experience. Video “Walkin’ On Sunshine” - An unofficial but highly appreciated video that will give you an idea of his visual and musical style. His music is published by renowned labels such as CHIN-CHIN RECORDS, IRMA RECORDS, CINEDELIC, and RAMBLING JAPAN. Bebo Baldan vs. Bebo Best Bebo Baldan, the alter ego of Bebo Best, is a versatile artist who has made a significant mark on the international music scene. In addition to his work with jazz and lounge music, Baldan is renowned for his ambient, world music, and experimental productions. One of his most celebrated works in this field is the album “Vapor Frames 86/91,” originally released in 1991 and reissued in 2018. This album is a sonic journey that blends sounds from various cultures, such as Mediterranean, Indian, and South American, with synthesizers, samples, and loops. The result is a borderless music that transports the listener into a relaxing and reflective atmosphere. Bebo Baldan has collaborated with numerous world-famous artists, including David Torn, Gilberto Gil, Brenda Boykin, James Taylor (JTQ), and has released alongside artists such as Jon Hassell, Michael Nyman, Wim Mertens, Nitin Sawhney, Sinéad O’Connor, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Frank Zappa, Marisa Monte, Bebel Gilberto, and Nicola Conte. He has participated in over 400 albums and worked on many soundtracks for films and TV, demonstrating extraordinary versatility and the ability to adapt to various musical genres. Among his other notable projects are “Earthbeat” and “The Italian Jazz Art,” which showcase his skill in blending electronics, jazz, and ethnic music. His music is published by renowned labels such as Soave, Divergo, Sony, Materiali Sonori, and Caligola Records. Here are some reliable and popular resources where you can find detailed information about him: Discogs - Detailed profile with discography and collaborations: Bebo Baldan on Discogs Bebo Best on Discogs AllMusic - Biography, discography, and reviews: Bebo Baldan on AllMusic Last.fm - Information on biography, discography, and listening statistics: Bebo Baldan on Last.fm Rate Your Music - User reviews and album details: Bebo Baldan on Rate Your Music NPO Radio 2 - Biography and career description: Bebo Best - Biographies on NPO Radio 2 Official Website of Bebo Best - Detailed information on his career, projects, and music: bebobestmusic.com MusicBrainz - A music database offering details on discography and collaborations: Bebo Baldan on MusicBrainz Spotify - Official profile with his music and playlists: Bebo Best on Spotify YouTube - Official channel with music videos and performances: Bebo Best on YouTube Bandcamp - Platform where you can listen to and purchase his music: Bebo Baldan on Bandcamp SoundCloud - Profile with tracks and remixes: Bebo Best on SoundCloud Rambling Records (Japan) - Japanese label he has collaborated with
<img src="https://tracker.metricool.com/c3po.jpg?hash=1f5f21c45c0a7622db102d000478ea1b"/>
Bebo Best: The Master of Global Music Bebo Best has managed to capture the hearts of millions of listeners worldwide. Today, he reveals the secrets behind his incredible milestone of over 100 million streams. A musical journey that combines talent, passion, and innovation, bringing his art to extraordinary levels. Additionally, all his videos are available for free, offering everyone the opportunity to immerse themselves in his musical universe at no cost. Don’t miss the chance to discover how Bebo Best has transformed his vision into a boundless musical reality. Bebo Best, a world-renowned author and music producer, has a career filled with successes. He is known for his unique style that blends jazz, lounge, and Latin rhythms. He is the leader of the group Bebo Best & The Super Lounge Orchestra, with which he has achieved significant international success. Some of his most popular tracks include “Sing Sing Sing” and “Mambajazz.” His music is characterized by sophisticated arrangements and catchy melodies, which have won over a vast global audience. Bebo Best has surpassed 100 million streams, a milestone that attests to his ability to create music that deeply resonates with listeners worldwide. Here are some suggestions to start exploring Bebo Best’s music: Album “JazzMamba” - This album is a great starting point to appreciate his unique style that blends jazz and Latin rhythms. Tracks like “Mambajazz” are particularly representative. Album “Swingin’ Bossa” - If you love bossa nova, you will surely enjoy this album. It contains tracks like “Jazz Samba Promenade” and “One Note Samba (Koko Chanel Remix).” Track “Sing Sing Sing” - One of his most popular tracks, perfect for getting a taste of his musical talent. Album “The Indian Summer” - This album showcases his ability to mix various musical genres, creating a unique listening experience. Video “Walkin’ On Sunshine” - An unofficial but highly appreciated video that will give you an idea of his visual and musical style. His music is published by renowned labels such as CHIN-CHIN RECORDS, IRMA RECORDS, CINEDELIC, and RAMBLING JAPAN. Bebo Baldan vs. Bebo Best Bebo Baldan, the alter ego of Bebo Best, is a versatile artist who has made a significant mark on the international music scene. In addition to his work with jazz and lounge music, Baldan is renowned for his ambient, world music, and experimental productions. One of his most celebrated works in this field is the album “Vapor Frames 86/91,” originally released in 1991 and reissued in 2018. This album is a sonic journey that blends sounds from various cultures, such as Mediterranean, Indian, and South American, with synthesizers, samples, and loops. The result is a borderless music that transports the listener into a relaxing and reflective atmosphere. Bebo Baldan has collaborated with numerous world-famous artists, including David Torn, Gilberto Gil, Brenda Boykin, James Taylor (JTQ), and has released alongside artists such as Jon Hassell, Michael Nyman, Wim Mertens, Nitin Sawhney, Sinéad O’Connor, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Frank Zappa, Marisa Monte, Bebel Gilberto, and Nicola Conte. He has participated in over 400 albums and worked on many soundtracks for films and TV, demonstrating extraordinary versatility and the ability to adapt to various musical genres. Among his other notable projects are “Earthbeat” and “The Italian Jazz Art,” which showcase his skill in blending electronics, jazz, and ethnic music. His music is published by renowned labels such as Soave, Divergo, Sony, Materiali Sonori, and Caligola Records. Here are some reliable and popular resources where you can find detailed information about him: Discogs - Detailed profile with discography and collaborations: Bebo Baldan on Discogs Bebo Best on Discogs AllMusic - Biography, discography, and reviews: Bebo Baldan on AllMusic Last.fm - Information on biography, discography, and listening statistics: Bebo Baldan on Last.fm Rate Your Music - User reviews and album details: Bebo Baldan on Rate Your Music NPO Radio 2 - Biography and career description: Bebo Best - Biographies on NPO Radio 2 Official Website of Bebo Best - Detailed information on his career, projects, and music: bebobestmusic.com MusicBrainz - A music database offering details on discography and collaborations: Bebo Baldan on MusicBrainz Spotify - Official profile with his music and playlists: Bebo Best on Spotify YouTube - Official channel with music videos and performances: Bebo Best on YouTube Bandcamp - Platform where you can listen to and purchase his music: Bebo Baldan on Bandcamp SoundCloud - Profile with tracks and remixes: Bebo Best on SoundCloud Rambling Records (Japan) - Japanese label he has collaborated with: Rambling Records
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